Buyer Agency – Designated Agent

Scott Sauer, buyer representation

I have been offering my buyers agency for 18 years, and they love it! What do they love?

  1. Undivided Loyalty

  2. Confidentiality 

  3. Strategic Advice on Price

  4. Expert Negotiation Tactics

  5. Purchase Contracts Written to Protect You

  6. Professional Inspections

Two friends laughing at a high-top table.

What is Buyer Representation (Agency)? Why is it important to Whitehorse real estate buyers?

Yukon Buyers Representation

Agency is a legal relationship between you and me that legally obligates me to protect your interests as my own- fiduciary duty. This is especially important to Yukon first time buyers.

Exterior of Whitehorse bungalow on a sunny day.

Some real estate companies advertise that they are now offering buyer representation. I am proud to say that my 18-year career has been structured around representing my client’s best interests, whether they be a buyer or seller. Have confidence that I am working for you and with your best interests in mind.

Storytime – Before transferring my real estate license from BC to the Yukon, allowing me to act as a realtor in Yukon, I engaged with a seasoned realtor showing me homes. I asked him, “Is this home priced right for its condition?” meaning, is the asking price fair and reasonable? He replied, “I can’t offer you advice on the price or condition of the house. I work for the seller.” This shocked me. He could have replied in 100 different ways to inspire confidence or explain the home’s good features, but he replied – I can’t help you. Helping a Yukon buyer is helping the Yukon seller. I didn’t look at another house with that Yukon agent, and I didn’t buy that home.

Are you skeptical that I can actually help you?

What prudent buyer would not want these legal promises from their realtor?

  1. Undivided Loyalty
  2. Confidentiality 
  3. Strategic Advice on Price
  4. Expert Negotiation Tactics
  5. Purchase Contracts Written to Protect You
  6. Professional Inspections

Every other Yukon realtor is learning to represent Yukon buyers; some are very hesitant to change. My unprecedented 18 years of experience allow me to speak with authority on the topic. When crafting your offer, it is second nature for me to represent you rather than being an order taker for the seller. I’m fundamentally different. Why walk hand in hand with an agent who is learning how to represent you? Use my experience to your benefit.

1. Undivided Loyalty

The all-encompassing term is – fiduciary duty – to act in your client’s best interest. Legally obligates me to protect your interests as I would my own, which includes the duties of confidentiality and full disclosure.

2. Confidentiality  

Just as a lawyer would never weaken his client’s position in the courtroom, nor will I reveal information that could prejudice your ability to negotiate. Complete confidence our discussions are locked in my confidentiality vault. 

I’m your sounding board; there are no dumb questions. It’s my job to give you professional, unbiased advice on the homes you view. My clients find this insight invaluable as I am not trying to sell you a home but to give you facts to help you make a logical decision and a sound investment. Confidence in action.

3. Strategic Advice on Price 

I will readily tell you what I think the home is worth and how to buy it for that price. It’s all about having someone in your corner who has done it over 1000 times. I have the experience to protect your negotiating power and get you the best price, terms and conditions. Why pay more? Buy your home for the lowest price possible. I will show you real estate stats and recent sales, so you can feel confident you are buying your home at the right price.

4. Expert Negotiation Tactics

18 years and over 1000 sales – my war chest is at your disposal 

In essence, you receive my no holds bar professional opinion on price and negotiating tactics. I will tell you how I think you should approach the negotiations from a few different angles and discuss the probable outcomes. You choose the tactic; I start the negotiations. Experience counts!

5. Purchase Contracts Written to Protect You

I will write your purchase contract or the “offer” to protect your interests. I will take the time to explain the extensive clauses regarding inspections, insurance, mortgage financing, wood stove WETT inspections and details regarding solar panels or water wells. These are just a few of the conditions that protect you.

6. Professional Inspections

I will connect you with the best professional inspectors to ensure you are aware of the condition of the home and if needed, renegotiate with the seller for any necessary repairs.


Scott Sauer, buyer representation

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